Human Values are not just words..!

All is said and all is printed, All is being done and seen. Where are we heading to ?

All is thought and all is dreamed, all is being criticized and commented. How are we taking them ?

Of course we all do have dreams and aspirations in life but, if my dream is taking away someone’s sleep that’s a nightmare no more a dream. Friends are not made, they are our reflections they are in everyone around us. A friend, is a decision to see the human in someone. Silly expectations and misunderstandings are the speed breakers for that decision to be made. I decide right now everybody on this planet is my friend how ever they are, what ever they are, where ever they are.

Immediately, this can bring a fear what if they exploit me? what if they take away all that I have? What if they cheat me?

< Laughter 😀 > At school didn’t we have all types of students in the same classroom? YES, we were very close to few and friends with all, isn’t it? Same in the outside world, but the few you choose can completely change your world. So It’s necessary that the company you choose  should be wise, compassionate and responsible. Such company is called good company.

With “good” company “Share ‘Share ‘Share” first share your roots, your company should be well aware of where you are from, your family, similarly you need to know them too. Second, share values, learn from each other the good they have and give and take very positive criticism about the bad they/you have. Third, share a common big goal for life, some service initiative, values you share show themselves in service. This is how we grow in life. Serve all for everybody is our friend.

Human values are not just words it’s rather a decision and a good company supporting that decision towards service.

Take time to make friends, start now..! Friendship is the basis for humanity.!

Share care Lovefriends  😉

Krishna Prasad Chaganti

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. krishnapriya
    Apr 02, 2015 @ 12:00:37



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