How do you know one is a true devotee or a follower?

Nothing scares him/her or he/she doesn’t scare anyone!
Devotee is so dissolved in the divine or master that he becomes that absolute love!
If you are scaring ppl know that you aren’t even close to devotion.
If your devotion expresses out as terrorism,then it’s ‘No Devotion’.
Fighting for justice can be in love, in dialogue.
If you have to kill a person or destroy some property to prove your devotion then it’s
No Devotion.
Speech can heal wounds or it can create them! If your words come out as arrows with the intent to scare them and fly your flag over them.. Then also it’s
No Devotion
If your thought process removes the possibility of others being right and free to follow what they believe and creates a sense of tension in you then also it’s
No Devotion.
Your religion or leader demands you to destroy or convert all non followers and make him the Lord of the earth. Then that obedience to that weird, wild, inhuman demand is
No Devotion.

So my dear fellow human being, you, me, everyone on this planet breath the same air, share the same sky, rain showers on us equally.
Then why divide?
Yoga means Union. That’s devotion.
Division is ego. That’s the reason for all evil.

I do puja, you do whatever. I never disturbed your whatever then why are you standing between me and my ram.

Whatever our ancestors have done and given to us, we should select rationally and continue what is good and reform what is not.

If world simply runs on emotion rather than intelligence, it will be a lot more scary.

Devotee is intelligent that’s why he chose God over world.
But mature devotee is the one who sees God everywhere, both inside and outside.

This Independence day, I wish you to start your day with this decision to free your mind from all prejudice. I wish you mature devotion.
