Entertainment vs Relationships

It’s an obvious tendency, we want to be happy! The challenge is how happy? Then comes comparison and obviously we compare what impresses us the most, the media. Media is great as in a way it can bring a change. Entertainment is a huge unfathomable industry that has created a big impact in the society today.. great part of our current culture has been rewritten by the story tellers of the big screen. We aren’t even aware how deeply we are influenced by them.

Also the way we have developed our expectations towards our family, friends and life partners are in similar lines to the trend that the entertainment industry is following. Either too Liberal and over whelming or too controlling and restricting.. Nothing to do with naturalness everything needs to be bigger than the truth..

For example.. Back in 70s, the whole entertainment industry especially in India was focusing on nuclear families. We hardly see combined families today.. Our nation survived the invasions and all the cultural and social loot due to the giant family system. We rejected the combined family system for nothing but the media which wanted to double the market by increasing the number of house holds. Same entertainment industry in 90s showed that a youngster taking up farming is a blot to his career. Move to cities. Made parents alone., we hardly see young farmers today.

Later, it was all love stories and how being hit man or a don or a criminal for whatever reason is cool! Now, in the last few decades, media is encouraging living in stuff, friends with benefits and divorce, in the name of pseudo feminism. As though it’s cool to be single forever or being drunk alone or being a single parent is happiness. Making every fight between husband and wife as something that needs a cut throat solution. Making young generations think of break ups even before they are 16. What emotional trauma, the young heroes of tomorrow are going through?

A boy and a girl are in a committed relationship and are quite sure about marriage, the entertainment industry has the ability to make either or both of them feel ashamed by raising the opposite ones expectations so high that proving love to the other person destroys love itself. Or a random girl or boy entertaining or being better looking can weaken the bond due to media imposed insecurity and guilt.

It’s really painful to see young mind who actually never experienced love are suffering from great confusion either to follow values or trends. They get drunk and drugged amongst themselves for no reason. Illusion that what is shown on screen is the reality.

Following values is branded as uselessness so, youth prefers fun. The wisest says beautifully, when you follow knowledge fun follows you, when you follow fun misery follows you.

I invite you, right now to shake your mind off this influence and look at reality. Your conscience, giving space, communication, honesty, respect and commitment will take you to a greater depth with in the relationships and also within oneself. You expand as a couple/family/individual and deliver an example to generations to come. All possessiveness, control and trust can have streamlines and you can work it out with basic communication with your partner or family members. It’s as simple as that!

I wish you a very happy life.

